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Boats wade off the coast.

Water Resources

Get involved and learn more from these resources about what's happening and what you can do.


Local Resources

Ecology Action Center (EAC)

Get to know the organization that's creating, strengthening, and preserving a healthy environment in McLean County.

McLean County Watersheds Clearinghouse

See how this organization is keeping water clean for everyone and learn what you can do to help.

City of Bloomington Public Works and Town of Normal Water

Access information on local water.

McLean County Soil and Water Conservation District

Conserve and protect soil, water, and other natural resources.

Friends of Everbloom

Join local outdoor recreation enthusiasts who are enhancing access and habitat at Lake Bloomington and Lake Evergreen.

Parklands Foundation

Connect with individuals who protect the land, water, and wildlife along the Mackinaw River.

Regional Resources

Ecology Action Center (EAC)

Get to know the organization that's creating, strengthening, and preserving a healthy environment in McLean County.

McLean County Watersheds Clearinghouse

See how this organization is keeping water clean for everyone and learn what you can do to help.

City of Bloomington Public Works and Town of Normal Water

Access information on local water.

McLean County Soil and Water Conservation District

Conserve and protect soil, water, and other natural resources.

Friends of Everbloom

Join local outdoor recreation enthusiasts who are enhancing access and habitat at Lake Bloomington and Lake Evergreen.

Parklands Foundation

Connect with individuals who protect the land, water, and wildlife along the Mackinaw River.

National Resources

US Environmental Protection Agency

Get information on all kinds of water resources, including research, local water reports, and pollution prevention.

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

See how the USDA supports conservation practices that benefit water quality and improve water management.

US Geological Survey

Learn what the USGS is doing to monitor, asses, research, and provide information on water resources and conditions.

American Geosciences Institute

View an interactive map of water resources across the United States.

History of the Clean Water Act

Learn about the history of the Clean Water Act and why it remains critical for securing clean, safe and accessbile water for all.  

Global Resources

Friends of the Earth

Join the fight for a more healthy and just world.

Joint Monitoring Program

Get estimates on country, regional and global progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene.

Stockholm International Water Institute

See how this organization leverages knowledge and convening power to strengthen water governance.

Sustainable Development Goal 6

Help ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

The Nature Conservancy

Get involved in protecting lands and waters around the world.

United Nations Environment Programme

Learn about the global effort to protect and restore freshwater ecosystems.

United Nations Water

Explore the single United Nations entity fully dedicated to work on water and sanitation issues.


Get to know the organization that transforms lives by improving access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation in the world's poorest communities.

Water to Thrive

Find out how this organization brings clean, safe water to rural Africa while connecting communities in need with supporters.